
ZCO 420


ZC 420 Sjónaukinn frá Zero Compromise Optics skartar top glerjum frá Þýska framleiðandanum Schott.  Mekanískt gefa ZCO sjónaukarnir ekkert eftir, við hönnun og samsetningu þeirra er séð til þess að öll virkni sé 100% eins og til er ætlast.  Litli bróðirinn í ZCO línuni ZC420 er 32.5 cm á lengd og 986 grömm á þyngd, framlinsan á honum er 50 mm og stækunin frá 4 – 20 sinnum.  Hann hentar vel í aðstæðum þar sem stærðin (smæðin) skiptir máli, án þess að gefa nokkuð eftir í optískum og mekanískum gæðum.

Sérpöntun:  Það tekur 6 – 8 vikur frá því pöntun er gerð.

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Upplýsignar um ZCO Sjónaukana á Ensku af heimasíðu framleiðandans


“Why do we use a 36mm Main Tube? Only two words are re­quired to an­swer that ques­tion: “Un­com­pro­mised Per­for­mance”
Our pas­sion, ded­i­ca­tion, and com­plete focus is build­ing noth­ing but the high­est qual­ity rifle scopes. This is only ac­com­plished with the most mod­ern and tech­no­log­i­cally ad­vanced op­ti­cal and me­chan­i­cal de­signs. At 37.9 ounces, the ZC527 is still one of the light­est weight rifle scopes in its class.
Our 36mm main tube al­lows us to de­liver major per­for­mance gains both op­ti­cally and me­chan­i­cally. His­tor­i­cally, one of these sys­tems is com­pro­mised in favor of the other. This com­pro­mise is non-ex­is­tent in ZCO rifle scopes. Larger in­ter­nal lens el­e­ments in crit­i­cal po­si­tions yield the high­est level of op­ti­cal and me­chan­i­cal per­for­mance in the in­dus­try. An in­cred­i­ble 35 mils of us­able el­e­va­tion and 20 mils of windage ad­just­ment is avail­able while main­tain­ing con­sis­tent click value and ret­i­cle sub­ten­sion.

The 36mm main tube al­lows ad­di­tional in­ter­nal room to iso­late and pro­tect the op­ti­cal com­po­nents to with­stand ex­ter­nal dis­tor­tion, stress, and im­pacts. This re­sults in the most sta­ble and con­sis­tent op­ti­cal and me­chan­i­cal per­for­mance to main­tain point of im­pact under a wide va­ri­ety of en­vi­ron­men­tal ex­tremes. Our de­sign is also stronger in crit­i­cal junc­tions and me­chan­i­cal areas due to a thicker cross sec­tion in spe­cific areas. The scope body is es­sen­tially an ex­oskele­ton pro­vid­ing the foun­da­tion for the op­ti­cal and me­chan­i­cal com­po­nents to come to­gether, and ZCO goes to great lengths to build the strongest and most sta­ble scope bod­ies in the in­dus­try. Every ZCO rifle scope body starts as a solid alu­minum bil­let that is fully CNC ma­chined and stress re­lieved mul­ti­ple times through­out the ma­chin­ing process, vir­tu­ally elim­i­nat­ing stress or “mem­ory” in the scope body. Our ma­chin­ing process en­sures your point of im­pact re­mains un­changed from mod­er­ate to ex­treme tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions.

“Op­tics – The rifle scope is the human in­ter­face to the tar­get, so the very best tar­get image is re­quired.”
Every scope is a com­pro­mise be­tween op­ti­cal per­for­mance and me­chan­i­cal ca­pa­bil­ity. ZCO´s 36mm main tube de­sign yields out­stand­ing op­ti­cal per­for­mance with no com­pro­mises to the me­chan­i­cal sys­tem.

ZCO uti­lizes Eu­ro­pean Schott lenses. Schott is renowned for su­pe­rior qual­ity lenses and they de­liver the high­est qual­ity on the most con­sis­tent basis with the lat­est lens tech­nol­ogy avail­able. We uti­lize their Ex­tra-low Dis­per­sion (ED) lenses for the ob­jec­tive el­e­ments to max­i­mize res­o­lu­tion, color cor­rec­tion, and con­trast. Larger lens el­e­ments in crit­i­cal po­si­tions achieve the best in res­o­lu­tion, light trans­mis­sion, and flat­ness of field. Like our lenses and op­ti­cal de­sign, our lens coat­ings uti­lize the lat­est ad­vance­ments for ul­ti­mate per­for­mance.

In re­cent years, sig­nif­i­cant ad­vance­ments in eye­piece lens de­sign have greatly ex­panded op­ti­cal per­for­mance. ZCO is em­ploy­ing these ad­vance­ments with a new in­dus­try lead­ing eye­piece de­sign that de­liv­ers max­i­mum field of view (FOV), a sub­stan­tial eye box, eye re­lief, and flat­ness of field. The over­all image per­cep­tion and ease of use pro­duce the high­est level of shooter com­fort and less eye strain to re­duce shooter fa­tigue dur­ing all day use. The 5X and 6x zoom ra­tios com­bined with an ex­cep­tion­ally large FOV and a wide par­al­lax ad­just­ment range from 25 me­ters to in­fin­ity make our rifle scopes the best suited for nu­mer­ous shoot­ing ap­pli­ca­tions. These de­sign traits give first-rate ver­sa­til­ity and flex­i­bil­ity for faster tar­get ac­qui­si­tion in de­mand­ing field shoot­ing po­si­tions, faster shot re­cov­ery, and over­all us­abil­ity no mat­ter the shot dis­tance. The FOV is 28.0’ – 6.0’ (4-20X) or 21.0’ – 4.5’ (5-27X) mak­ing these rifle scopes among the widest of­fered FOV avail­able from any sim­i­lar con­fig­u­ra­tion.

In ZCO rifle scopes, every sin­gle lens is care­fully scru­ti­nized to en­sure very strin­gent qual­ity con­trol is main­tained. Un­like many other com­pa­nies, extra care and at­ten­tion is given to the Re­frac­tive Index (RI) which is a crit­i­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tion. If the RI is not held to tight and spe­cific tol­er­ances, in­con­sis­tent click val­ues and ret­i­cle sub­ten­sion will man­i­fest in the scope as well as de­grade op­ti­cal per­for­mance. In order to achieve the finest in op­ti­cal qual­ity, we go through a painstak­ing process of op­ti­cally in­dex­ing our lenses on every rifle scope we build. Op­ti­cal In­dex­ing is a time con­sum­ing hands-on process that de­liv­ers the high­est level of per­for­mance and con­sis­tency from one scope to the next and ul­ti­mate prod­uct qual­ity con­trol.
We fur­ther se­cure our lenses with an in­no­v­a­tive Cen­ter Lock Sys­tem (CLS) for each lens el­e­ment and then per­ma­nently bond the lens in­side the me­chan­i­cal hous­ing with an ad­vanced epoxy UV bond­ing agent. The CLS au­to­mat­i­cally cen­ters the lens and holds it ab­solutely con­cen­tric and se­cure with neg­li­gi­ble stress. The re­sult is every op­ti­cal el­e­ment is re­tained by the most solid and sta­ble method with near zero stress thereby de­liv­er­ing max­i­mum dura­bil­ity. Our method is proven, this is sim­ply the most con­sis­tent and sta­ble way to mount the op­ti­cal el­e­ments.

A Mag­ni­fi­ca­tion Change Lever (MCL) is ma­chined into the mag­ni­fi­ca­tion ring where it is er­gonomic, snag free, will not hin­der bolt ma­nip­u­la­tion, and is fast to ma­nip­u­late even in cold weather. ZCO gives great con­sid­er­a­tion to ro­ta­tional torque of all con­trols, so rapid changes of any con­trol is pos­si­ble with smooth and con­sis­tent torque even in freez­ing cold weather. As an added ben­e­fit, the mag­ni­fi­ca­tion ring is slightly raised and an­gled to­ward the shooter. As with all of the en­grav­ing, the num­bers are en­larged for easy ref­er­ence of the mag­ni­fi­ca­tion set­ting from shoot­ing po­si­tion.
A fast focus lock­ing diopter ad­just­ment al­lows for pre­cise ret­i­cle focus and en­sures the diopter set­ting never changes un­in­ten­tion­ally. Most shoot­ers uti­lize flip up lens cov­ers which tend to in­ad­ver­tently get pushed around and change the diopter set­ting when they are open. Our diopter will pos­i­tively lock, is easy to se­cure yet dis­en­gage, and it ac­cepts top qual­ity Tene­braex® lens cov­ers with­out an ad­di­tional adapter.

When every other as­pect of your rifle and am­mu­ni­tion is held to the high­est of stan­dards, shouldn’t your scope’s me­chan­i­cal sys­tem do the same?
ZCO uses all new con­struc­tion tech­niques and method­olo­gies. We test our de­signs under the most de­mand­ing con­di­tions while hold­ing the most strin­gent stan­dards in the in­dus­try. We hold our­selves to the high­est stan­dard so our cus­tomers don’t have to.
At the heart of our me­chan­i­cal sys­tem is an ex­tremely ro­bust erec­tor re­turn spring. Ex­haus­tive test­ing was per­formed on mul­ti­ple spring styles and ma­te­ri­als and we have found the ab­solute best and most con­sis­tent spring to de­liver un­matched re­li­a­bil­ity. Our main spring is sig­nif­i­cantly larger, more durable, and pro­duces the best con­sis­tency through­out and be­yond its op­er­a­tional range than has ever been in­cluded in any other scope on the mar­ket.
Our el­e­va­tion and windage tur­rets are de­lib­er­ately de­signed and en­gi­neered with ad­vanced com­po­nent spe­cific ma­te­ri­als to pro­vide ul­ti­mate con­sis­tency and ac­cu­racy for a life­time of un­fail­ing per­for­mance. The el­e­va­tion and windage click spline mech­a­nisms use hard­ened steel that is eroded cut for the ut­most in pre­ci­sion. Using the hard­est ma­te­ri­als in these crit­i­cal com­po­nents is vital. The eroded cut process al­lows us to main­tain the high­est lev­els of pre­ci­sion and pre­cise tol­er­ances that broach­ing, cast­ing, or ex­tru­sions of softer and in­fe­rior ma­te­ri­als just don’t de­liver. The end re­sult is the most ac­cu­rate method for pro­duc­ing pre­cise click value ac­cu­racy, longevity, con­sis­tency, click feel and vi­sual align­ment for the user that will not wear out under se­vere and con­stant cy­cling.

All other areas of our rifle scopes use ei­ther hard­ened steel, alu­minum al­loys, or a sil­i­con bronze alloy spe­cially se­lected for its wear re­sis­tance and nat­ural lu­bric­ity cre­at­ing the per­fect com­bi­na­tion for crit­i­cal in­ter­faces. Every com­po­nent ma­te­r­ial was an­a­lyzed for its spe­cific ap­pli­ca­tion and se­lected to pro­vide our end goal of Un­com­pro­mised Per­for­mance!

ZCO threaded com­po­nents of the el­e­va­tion and windage ad­just­ments are hand as­sem­bled through a swag­ing and bur­nish­ing process which re­sults in the tight­est pos­si­ble hand mated fit of the thread en­gage­ment. This tech­nique has been ex­haus­tively tested for thou­sands of ro­ta­tions and proven to de­liver the pin­na­cle of per­for­mance and ac­cu­racy in this crit­i­cal in­ter­face.

An un­prece­dented 35 mils of in­ter­nal el­e­va­tion travel in 2.25 turns along with 20 mils of windage ad­just­ment sets an all new high in this class of rifle scope. An in­ter­nal Re­turn 2 Zero (R2Z) fea­ture is built into the el­e­va­tion tur­ret and al­lows 0.5 mils below the zero point. A ro­ta­tion in­di­ca­tor sits flush with the top of the el­e­va­tion tur­ret and au­to­mat­i­cally ex­tends up­ward as the tur­ret goes into the sec­ond ro­ta­tion. A sin­gle white band is vis­i­ble on the in­di­ca­tor giv­ing a vi­sual as well as tac­tile con­fir­ma­tion of the sec­ond ro­ta­tion of the tur­ret. The in­di­ca­tor ex­tends up fur­ther on the third ro­ta­tion and dis­plays a sep­a­rate dou­ble white band. Our in­di­ca­tor is eas­ily seen and felt keep­ing you sit­u­a­tion­ally aware of your cur­rent el­e­va­tion set­ting.

The tur­rets on ZCO rifle scopes are a low-pro­file wide-di­am­e­ter de­sign mak­ing them highly stream­lined with wide click spac­ing for faster vi­sual iden­ti­fi­ca­tion as well as being easy to grasp with wet or cold hands or under stress. All of the ex­ter­nal com­po­nents are ma­chined on 5 axis CNC ma­chin­ing cen­ters. These state-of-the-art ma­chines only pro­duce one part at a time which may in­crease time and cost, but but also in­creases over­all qual­ity. The click and num­ber en­grav­ings have been max­i­mized to offer rapid vis­i­bil­ity and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion specif­i­cally for aging eyes which also makes it ex­tremely easy for the younger eyes. For ex­am­ple, the 0.1 mil click mark­ings along with the en­graved num­bers are among the largest in the in­dus­try and specif­i­cally de­signed for fast and easy dis­tinc­tion. Our el­e­va­tion and windage ad­just­ments also in­te­grate an in­tu­itive and sim­ple push/pull lock­ing mech­a­nism. This mech­a­nism has ex­plicit en­gi­neer­ing for smooth and pos­i­tive op­er­a­tion through­out the range of travel, giv­ing the user peace of mind that the ad­just­ments never move when not in­ten­tion­ally doing so.

Par­al­lax com­pen­sa­tion ad­justs to 25 me­ters and out to in­fin­ity. This means our rifle scopes are per­fectly suited for every­thing from in­door small bore rifle com­pe­ti­tion or Ex­treme Long Range ap­pli­ca­tions. Our par­al­lax ad­just­ment has an ex­cel­lent bal­ance of speed and pre­ci­sion mak­ing it quick, ac­cu­rate, and nat­u­rally easy to es­tab­lish a par­al­lax free image even under heavy mi­rage or other chal­leng­ing con­di­tions. ZCO de­liv­ers an un­matched com­bi­na­tion be­tween me­chan­i­cal and op­ti­cal shooter in­ter­face, quickly and eas­ily elim­i­nat­ing par­al­lax.

A ZCO ex­clu­sive Au­to­matic Il­lu­mi­na­tion Man­age­ment™ (AIM™) is lo­cated with the par­al­lax tur­ret where it is easy to ac­ti­vate yet main­tains a stream­lined de­sign. Our il­lu­mi­na­tion con­trol doesn’t hin­der view­ing of the tur­rets or take up pre­cious ring mount­ing space on the main tube. The AIM of­fers ad­vanced fea­tures never be­fore brought to­gether in this style of rifle scope. A dig­i­tal Il­lu­mi­na­tion rheo­stat sys­tem is uti­lized and color is user se­lec­table for red or green. A standby mode is ac­ti­vated when no mo­tion of the rifle scope is de­tected for three min­utes but im­me­di­ately comes back on when the rifle scope is moved. An auto-off mode is ac­ti­vated when no mo­tion is de­tected for two hours thereby sav­ing your bat­tery life. Sim­ply turn the il­lu­mi­na­tion dial back to the OFF po­si­tion to reset the elec­tron­ics and then ad­just il­lu­mi­na­tion in­ten­sity to the de­sired level. Ad­di­tion­ally, il­lu­mi­na­tion is de­ac­ti­vated by the AIM when the scope ex­ceeds 75 de­grees in up or down angle tilt or when ex­ceed­ing 45 de­grees in roll to ei­ther side. All of these fea­tures re­sult in sig­nif­i­cant con­ser­va­tion of bat­tery life mean­ing fewer bat­tery re­place­ments and an optic you can count on when ret­i­cle il­lu­mi­na­tion is re­quired.


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